1 My Misfortunes
2 Incomplete Timeline
3 Everything is Late
4 Messy Prep Room
5 Venue is Boring
6 Snow or Rain
7 Guests with Cameras
8 Room with No Light
9 No 2nd Shooter
10 Late Payment
11 Pinterest Request
12 Videographers
13 Eyes Everywhere
14 Style Mismatch
15 Clients and Parents at War
16 DJ Lights
17 No Vendor Meals
18 Emotionless Couples
19 Groom Hates Pictures
20 Formals
21 Table Shots
Learning Library Business & Finance, Wedding Skills
1:24:12 Duration
Wedding Day Problems
Today we’re going to talk about a bunch of things that no wedding photographer ever wants to talk about: Wedding Day Problems. These are the terrible things that happen to you, both in and out of your control on the wedding day.
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Susan,you’ve mentioned,that your contract is void,if client’s payments are late. How many days you give them before cancelling the contract? Thanks!
Regarding vendor meals, if it’s a buffet, we jump in when we have downtime, and if it’s plated service, we go to the kitchen and ask for extras. haha. It works and we never have had anyone say anything. Usually the couple and their families ask us, “Did you get to eat?!” 🙂
I just want to say that I love the photo thumbnail for this section. I make the same expression as that cherub at least once at every wedding. 😉
This is awesome! Thank you for this!!
I’ve been so excited for this deep dive, thank you!!