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Learning Library Photo Skills, Wedding Skills

50:03 Duration

Storytelling: Light and Composition


  1. Hi Jacklyn. I just saw one of your lesson in wedding school . And i am so happy. You have inspired me and gave me an other breath for photography. Thank you so much, Jacklyn! You are amazing!!! Such a great personality!!!! Cant stop watching and listening you!! I love your style, the way you see the world !!!! Each picture is unique , has a story behind . You have a gift to see people and show it . I would love to have a wedding photographer like you. And i would love to see more lessons with you!!! Love, love ,love!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you so much, Jacklyn! You are amazing!!! Such a great personality!!!! Cant stop watching and listening you!! I love you style, the way you see the world !!!! Each picture is uniq , has a story behind . You have a gift to see people and show it . I would love to have a wedding photographer like you. And i would love to see more lessons with you!!!


Jacklyn Greenberg