Learning Library Business & Finance, Purpose
Embracing Diversity
This class with Monique Melton focuses on diversity, inclusivity, and taking a long, hard look at how your business succeeds and fails on each front – and what to do about it.
The course outline is as follows:
What is diversity
1. What is:
- Race
- Gender
- Sexuality
2. Why diversity matters :
- Socially/relationally
- Economically
- Physically
- Spiritually
3. What we’ve lost :
- Trust
- Richness of culture
- Economic viability (colonization, wage gap)
- Humanity
- Community
4. What we stand to gain/is there hope
5. What we must consider when achieving diversity / What challenges do we face with diversity
- (Intersectionality)
- Anti-racism
- White washing history
- Implicit basis
- Microaggression
- Complicity
- Tokenism
6. How to use what you’ve got/how to embrace it in business and life