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Learning Library Wedding Skills

14:48:03 Duration

One Real Wedding

Join me today for something special. I am bringing you along for an entire wedding day. All 13+ hours. The good, the bad, and everything in between.

On November 19 last year, I recorded an entire wedding day from start to finish. This week I’m going to replay all 13+ hours of that day in real time. I will walk you through what worked, what didn’t, and what you can learn from this for your own wedding photography business. If you have ever wanted to shadow me at a wedding, now’s your chance!


  1. Hi Susan! I was hoping you could explain a bit more about when shooting the processional how you could shoot at 1/250th at f4 and not get motion blur. I know you usually like to be at a minimum of 1/400th when shooting with the long lens. Any feedback is awesome! I appreciate all that you contribute to the community. By the way, my four year old has been watching the raw footage and is enthralled. Thanks!

    1. Hi Judith! If I’m using a flash, the flash is freezing the subject. You have to make sure you’re not close to the ambient light settings, but as long as you’re not, the flash will stop motion!

  2. omg, i am watching this over and ANNOYED that Susan is explaining herself for chimping! NO NEED TO SUSAN!! Hello, you’re the one we are watching! Don’t listen to anyone else!!

    1. I am watching this right now for the first time and so mad at the interwebs. Haters gonna hate, Susan, you are awesome.

  3. I just watched the first part. Excellent!! Lets us all see the real life moments, struggles and the celebration one goes through on the wedding day. Can’t wait for what’s next!!


Susan Stripling
