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Learning Library Business & Finance

54:30 Duration

How do You Run Your Business?


  1. um….THIS was perfect. I am so with you Susan on feeling like photographer for hire and fear of not making it and not being able to support my family. The fact that Parker and Jacklyn have shown that they did what they did, established who they were and the methods they do is awesome. Though I’d love to do 10, I couldn’t due to financial situations unless I tripled prices! Which isn’t feasible. But this was awesome and inspiring. Thank you!

  2. Well this may have been the single most valuable video I have seen! It really made me think. I don’t ever let clients in to my personal life and I’m curious is Parker and Jacklyn have ever been burned by developing such close relationships with their clients.


Jacklyn Greenberg

Parker Pfister

Rob Greer

Susan Stripling